When I arrived in the U.S a decade ago, I was not so familiar with the computer yet; Yahoo Messenger and Skype were not part of my life yet. But since I had to keep in touch with my folks back in the Philippines I had to find the most available way to reach them. Thanks to the operator assisted conference call that made it easy to reach them. It was so much fun because it was a once-a-month habit where my family would be together and I get to talk to all of them. If somebody is unable to make it then he gets to be on the conference call. On their end, it was also their sort of reunion as my parents were already old. They made sure that they get to spend one Sunday at least once a month and it was also my schedule to call them. Before it was only audio conferencing, there were no high-end mobile phones yet that serves as computers these days. It was so expensive to communicate with them then but it was all worth it because of the international conference call access where I got to talk to two or more members of the family at the same time. Labels: Blogging, Electronics, Internet |