1. What are your favorite kinds of plant life (plants, flowers, etc)? Why? * I like rose, orchids and dahlias. Well, mainly because they last longer and easy to take care of.
2. Do you associate any memories with certain things (flowers, objects, etc)? Any you'd care to share? * I would say, orchids. We had a lot of those in our house in the barrio. When I was young, we used to plant them and other flowers in our yards and that's one of the most unforgettable experience during my childhood days. Boy, I missed those days.
3. By what method do you keep track of your memories (blogs, scrapbooks, etc)? If you don't do anything to preserve your memories, how do you keep track of them? Does it matter to you? * I like to do it in a traditional way, such as diary or scrapbooks. I can't remember writing anything about personal matters or memories in my blogs because I'm not comfortable with it.
That's it for now and better check out this fat burners before I take a shower. Take care everyone! Labels: Uncategorized |