Looking for someone but couldn't find him/her? Use
Spock people search to locate old friends, lovers or family for free! By using Spock, you can find people for free using names, phone numbers, addresses and other information. Just recently, I found a new search engine for people called Spock. While still in private beta, the engine has already impressed users with its rich feature set and social aspects. Spock is a people search application. You can search anything you can think of.
I would suggest you to join Spock to familiarize yourself with the site and explore various topics, and put a URL of your search result in the search bar. Since I love Rachael Ray so much, I tried to search her in Spock and found interesting results about her. Becoming a member at Spock allow you to add tags, pictures, and web links or simply vote on existing information to increase its relevance. Anyone can join to help make search better for everyone. What I love about Spock is that, when you sign up for Spock you can claim your search result and shape what information people see and new information about you on the internet will then send you an alert so you are always up to date. This is great news for the searcher since many people do their searches from web search which regain contact with old friends and long lost family before the chance passes us by. At Spock, you find people you’ve lost contact with. The most comprehensive people search on the web. Spock finds high quality results in pages that cannot be found on regular search engines. Finding people online is made easier with specialized free people search sites such as Spock.com.
Labels: Blogging