What was the best thing that happened to you this week? Best thing? Dear hubby got a 2 week (paid) day-off! That means he can spend quality time with the family. Hooray :-)
What was the worst thing that happened this week? When we found out Mom got herself into a car accident. She hit her car into a stop sign. We're so glad she's okay.
Describe an item of clothing that has definitely seen better days but that you refuse to dispose of and still wear. Why won't you toss it? My pajamas. I owned it when I was 25 years old. I just loved it.
Have you ever lied about your age? Of course not. Every time someone asked my name, I told them about my age and they didn't believe me. Last May, we went to Emerald Queen casino in Tacoma, WA to watch Lonestar concert and the guard won't let me in! I had to show him my ID. Gosh!
Would you rather be behind the scenes or in the spotlight? Behind the scene.
Where was your first out-of-country trip? How was it? It was in Japan! Then, next stop, USA :)
Do you like surprises? If yes what kinds? If no, why not? I do. Dear hubby like surprises! He's very sweet :)
Have you ever had sex with two different people on the same day? Oh my goodness! How would I be? I only have one husband! LOL...
Which do you prefer, the sunrise or the sunset? Both.
Alright, that's it for today. I better go and check out this online degree programs before going to the mall with the whole family. Have a great day everyone Labels: Fun Stuff, Saturday 9 |